Tuesday, December 11, 2012

                          Christmas 2012


The tree is up, the wreaths are hung and the Christmas Village is resplendent in glistening snow and twinkling lights.  The smell from the kitchen beckons and willpower is at its lowest.  It’s that time of year again, when every touching moment; every sentimental tale brings a k not to our throats and tears to our eyes.  It’s that time when we want to gather with our loved ones, put our arms around them, feel their warmth and keep them safe.
It’s a time of reflection....especially for those of us in the third, third of our lives.  It’s that time when we wish we had uttered more loving words, and fewer hurtful ones, had been more selfless and less selfish.  It’s that time when we realize just how fragile we are, how much we need love...to give it, to receive it.  It is also a time of renewal ...new beginnings and new opportunities and a time to vow to “Love deeper, speak sweeter, give forgiveness where it’s been denied.” (thank you, Tim McGraw) 

But most of all, it is truly a time of thanksgiving, and I more than so many, have such an abundance of blessings for which to be thankful.  As I’ve traveled  through life, I’ve done so without a roadmap, turned one corner here,  rounded the bend over there.... eventually making it to where I believe I’m supposed to be, safe and sound.   I’ve experienced events and encountered people along the way that have altered my life immeasurably.....more for the good than the bad.   And, as I reflect, I can’t help but be amazed at how incredible are those who have touched my life and how incredible were the moments we shared.    

I’m still in Arizona.  Thought I’d be back on the East Coast by now, but sometimes best laid plans to do go awry.  This is the 9th Christmas following my move west.  While this one presumes to be a quiet one, there is special excitement in the air as we prepare for my youngest’s marriage early next year, and Christmas is being downplayed in preparation.   We will all be heading to Annapolis, Maryland, for that auspicious event.  It’s will be a bitter sweet occasion, Randy is my youngest, and I have to “turn him over” to another woman.    On the bright side, that other woman is a delightful, smart, affectionate young lady who brings him much happiness and comfort.   Plus, we add “another girl to our team”.   All of us, Danny, Jason, Joy, Gabby, Miranda, Galo and I and a few old and dear friends will be there at the Naval Academy Chapel on February 2nd, to see him say “I do”.

          That being said, it’s time to close by wishing everyone a joyous and peaceful holiday and the vest rest of your life.  Not a day will pass that I don't think of each and everyone who has touched my life and a tingle fills my heart and a smile streams across my face.
